Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A Piece of Cake

A Piece of cake is what it was and what it wasn't. I have recently discovered that the best way to get yourself to try something new in life is to try it. In other words you cannot plough a field by turning it over in your mind. I know these two statements seem simple and in a sense silly, but it's true all too often people dream of doing something and just never get around to it; and plainly enough the crucial step missing is the action of just buckling down and doing it. My personal strategy to getting to the "doing" stage is to make a commitment that I am held to. The Ragnar Relay or Wasatch Back Relay Run was one of those commitments I signed myself up for. After paying $100 dollars to race and telling a zillon people about it I felt as though I had to do it and I did. My most recent commitment was baking a wedding cake. I was in luck my niece was planning a wedding and I immediately offered to make the cake. The experience was a bitter sweet one, full of frustration and yet satisfaction as I completed my first wedding cake. What did I learn from it all? That their's nothing like biting off more than you can chew, and then chewing away.


  1. And what a masterpiece it was! Have I told you that you're a hard act to follow before?

  2. Felicia- You are awesome! I heard how wonderful your cake was. I think you are an amazing lady and you inspire me so much. I treasure the time we spent together running the Ragnar and really can't wait for next year. We should all be chewing on something (other than our favorite food :-) Wise words.

  3. And you have excelled at those things you dared to try. I do my best to follow your shining example all the time Felicia. :) Hopeful to see more of your blog.

  4. So glad you have a blog. Your cake was a masterpiece. I love to try new things - I really , really do. I can't wait to run the ragnar next year. Love you!

  5. "You cannot plough a field by turning it over in your mind". I love that! This is a weakness of mine, so I appreciate your perspective and action on this. Your cake had amazing detail. It was beautiful. So happy we can all run the Ragnar as a family and support each other. Love you!
